The whole philosophy behind is to bring hashing friends together while we travel around the world. So no more complains from „normal“ people if a group of hasher join a standard trip or vacation with a travel agency.
So what is different from a travel agency to
First – ofcourse we do exactly the same as a travel agency, but we always include our hash spirit. That means we will meet local hash kennels and hasher where we go and ofcourse we join the hash runs or even do our own hashes along our trips.
Second – we are very flexible and don’t have to stick with the plan in case suddenly there are better options and possibilities.
Third – usually we also host „Just Hash Weekends“, in tradition of the Frankfurt Vineyard Hash style, for the very simple reason because thats how it all got started.
Another point is different from a „normal“ commercial travel agency. works on non-profit basis. That works only because of our sponsors, supporter and many helping hands and especially an Adventure Travel agency (SMS Frankfurt – ofcourse the CEO is a hasher too) which prepares a lot of trips and pays most of our extra expenses! So we get all the travel agency benefits, plus all our trips are secured and insured by SMS Frankfurt.
Our hash trips, events, tours and excursions usually operate in small groups and we try to choose not always the most favorite and crowed places on this planet. So beside some really great places like St. Petersburg we choose also more remote areas, for example Altai Mountains or Capartian Mountains just to name two here.
No „rules“ without exceptions, that means for, we organize also Pre- and Post-Lubes which can turn out suddenly as bigger events than their were originally planned. – For example – that was what happened to the idea of the Vodka Train – which was planned in the beginning only for approx. 15-20 people.
But I believe we will never do an trip as big as this Vodka Train adventure… You may have heard we have now more than 100 people including all tour guides and translators!
- – Iceland (with Frankfurt H3 and friends), May 2007
- – VodkaTrain, Part 1, June-July 2007
- – Hash Trekking in Ukraine, Oct. 2008
- – St. Petersburg (6 days hashing in Russia), February 2009
- – VodkaTrain, Part 2, Pre-Lube IH2010 (97 participants)
what we have in mind for the next years:
- – Hash Boat Cruises in Russia and Ukraine
- – Hash Trekking in the Altai Mountains
- – Slikroad Adventure, Uzbekistan/Kazachstan
- – Cherry Blossom Hash, (in May 2011) Uzbekistan
- – Heli-Ski in Kazachstan
- – Hash Cycling in the Baltic States
- – Iceland Excursion and Ivasion (again!)
- – Grave Harvest in Portugal & Spain (by boat & oldtimer train)