Frankfurt Expats

Frankfurt Expats

Frankfurt Expats

„New in Frankfurt | Frankfurt and Rhine-Main-Region”

International Expat Community Group | Easy Expat Community “New in Town” – The place for Expats in Frankfurt. Meet fellow Expats living in Frankfurt and find tips on the expat life in Frankfurt / “Mainhattan”.

Meet fellow Expats from Frankfurt’s international community on our regulary events!
Our aim is to bring local people and Expats together to have fun with different sport, party, travel and social events, meet up with new people in the Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main-Area.

We organize events or just bring people together for some sport like running, mountain biking, biking, triathlon, hiking, basketball, beach volleyball, biking, climbing, swimming, inline skating, camping and travel.

Right now we are still working on our own website, so please visit our group more often for news and upcoming events.

We also have a LinkedIn- and Facebook Group for our Events, where you can register for our events and to get news for our Parties and other Gatherings.

Join our Expat Frankfurt (Rhein-Main Area) community to get to know fellow Frankfurt Expats and Locals.

We usually meet regualary once a week for our social gatherings and restaurant /bar nights, but we organise also exhibitions, sightseeiong tours and sport events as well. For example you can also join the Frankfurt Hash House Harriers which is a Expat community on its own.

So if you like some sports activities, check it out and join us for the weekly hash run. In Summer we meet every monday evening at 7:00 p.m. – In Winter we meet always sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

You can find us here: | – and also on Facebook

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